It is the duty of the trustee of an express trust created for the payment of debts, within 20 days after entering upon the execution of such trust, to make an inventory of the entire trust property so far as the same has come to his possession or knowledge, describing the real estate and grouping and classifying the personal property in as brief and comprehensive manner as may be consistent with its proper identification and appraisement, and stating the amount and character of all choses in action, with the names of debtors, belonging to the trust. In reducing such inventory to writing, the trustee must leave appropriate spaces opposite each article or item, with proper caption, in which spaces the appraised value may be inserted by the appraisers. The trustee must, within the time above stipulated, file, in the office of the register or clerk of the county in which the most valuable portion of the trust property may be, two copies of such inventory, each of which shall be duly verified by his affidavit; and if there be property in more than one county, a separate inventory of the property in each county must be made and filed. Supplemental inventories may be made in like manner.
(Code 1886, §3553; Code 1896, §4156; Code 1907, §6058; Code 1923, §10395; Code 1940, T. 58, §12.)