All claims against the trust estate must be presented by or on the day specified in such order and notice, by filing the claim, or a statement thereof, in the office of the register or clerk, verified as claims against the estate of a decedent are required to be verified, before a notary public or other officer authorized to take and certify affidavits within or beyond the state; and all claims not so presented are precluded from sharing in the assignment or participating in any dividend that may be made from the trust estate, until all presented and allowed claims shall have been paid in full. But when a claim has been so presented prior to giving of such notice, a second presentation is not necessary. Any defect or insufficiency in the affidavit may be remedied by amendment at any time. The register or clerk must give to the creditor, his agent or attorney a receipt for his claim, and must indorse thereon the date of filing and sign his name thereto.
(Code 1896, §4161; Code 1907, §6063; Code 1923; §10400; Code 1940, T. 58, §17.)