Wherever in this chapter it is provided that regulations may or shall be promulgated by the commissioner or that any activity or procedure may be regulated by order of the commissioner or wherever any words of like import appear, any such regulation so issued and promulgated for the purpose of implementing this chapter must, before the same shall become effective, be approved and adopted by the Board of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. Any such regulation so issued and promulgated may at any time be altered, amended or rescinded by the said Board of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama; provided, however, that when it is found by the commissioner and such finding is expressed in an official order issued by him, together with his reasons for such finding, that any activity, practice or procedure subject to the provisions of this chapter is being conducted in such a manner as to constitute or which inherently constitutes a clear and immediate hazard to the public welfare, safety or health, such activity, practice or procedure may be regulated, controlled or prohibited by a temporary order of the commissioner, which such temporary order shall be valid for no more than 60 days unless, within such period, the same is ratified, approved, adopted and promulgated by the Board of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama as a regulation promulgated under the authority of this chapter; and, in the event such temporary order of the commissioner is not ratified, approved, adopted and promulgated by the said board within such period, the commissioner may not thereafter reissue the same or a substantially similar temporary order with respect to the same activity, practice or procedure by the authority of this section.
(Acts 1969, No. 1049, p. 1939, §1; Acts 1971, No. 2252, p. 3622, §§1, 2.)