There shall be employed in the Department of Agriculture and Industries an expert accountant who shall have charge of all clerical work and records of said department; a graduate of an accredited agricultural college in horticulture who has had professional training in economic entomology and plant diseases and practical experience in horticulture who shall have charge of the division of plant industry; a graduate of an accredited college in chemistry who has had professional training in agricultural chemistry and practical experience in analytical work who shall have charge of the division of agricultural chemistry; and a graduate of an accredited college with a major or concentration in poultry husbandry who has served at least three years as poultry and egg inspector who shall have charge of the poultry division, charged with the administration of the inspection and regulatory phases of the national poultry improvement plan and the administration of the Alabama Egg Law. The chief of each division of the department shall also be experienced in such subjects as shall pertain to the performance of his duties.
(Ag. Code 1927, §29; Code 1940, T. 2, §24; Acts 1945, No. 475, p. 707.)