(a) Notwithstanding the existence of any other penalty imposed for violations of the provisions of the Alabama Pesticide Act of 1971 as found in Chapter 27 of Title 2, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and the provisions of Chapter 28 of Title 2, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries may, after a hearing thereon, impose a civil penalty or fine for violation of said Chapters 27 and 28, or any regulations promulgated thereunder.
(b) The maximum amount of the above civil penalty or fine shall not exceed $10,000.00 for any one offense, and all incidents or violations committed by a person, firm, association or corporation, arising from the same transaction, shall constitute but one offense.
The State Board of Agriculture and Industries shall, by duly adopted regulations, provide maximum amounts to be imposed by the commissioner for the various violations.
(c) The fine or penalty assessed by the commissioner may be appealed to the Board of Agriculture and Industries by the aggrieved person giving the commissioner written notice of intention to appeal within 15 days from the time the fine or penalty was assessed. Said review or appeal before the Board of Agriculture and Industries shall be conducted under the provisions of the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. The Board of Agriculture and Industries may affirm the action of the commissioner or it may modify the amount of the penalty, but the board shall not increase the amount of penalty imposed by the commissioner. The board may also remand the matter back to the commissioner for the taking of further testimony or the board may dismiss the action of the commissioner in its entirety. Judicial review by either party of any final action of the State Board of Agriculture and Industries shall be under the provisions of Section 41-22-20, of the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act on the certified transcript of the record.
(d) The failure of any person, firm, association, or corporation to pay the assessed fine or penalty shall constitute grounds for the revocation of any permit or license issued under the provisions of Chapters 27 and 28, Title 2. Said fine or penalty may also be collected in a civil action in court under the name of the State of Alabama on the relation of the Attorney General and with his permission.
(e) All moneys received from the assessment of any fine or penalty shall accrue to the Agricultural Fund.
(Acts 1989, No. 89-741, p. 1469.)