Any farmer, or other purchaser of agricultural, vegetable, flower, tree and shrub or herb seeds purchased for planting purposes who believes that he has been damaged by the failure of the seed to perform as represented, or to conform to the description on the labeling attached thereto or accompanying such seed as required by Sections 2-26-1 through 2-26-14, and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, may make a sworn complaint against the seed dealer from whom such seeds were purchased. The complaint shall allege the failure of the seed to perform or to conform to legal requirements and the damages sustained or to be sustained by him. The complaint shall be filed with the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries within 10 days after the alleged defect or violation becomes apparent. The seed purchaser shall also mail a copy of said complaint to the dealer from which the seeds were purchased by United States registered or certified mail. A filing fee of $10.00 shall be paid to the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries with each complaint filed which shall be deposited to the credit of the Agricultural Fund of the State Treasury. Within 10 days after receipt of a copy of the complaint, the seed dealer shall file with the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries an answer thereto and forward a copy of same to the purchaser of the seed by United States registered or certified mail. Any seed dealer against whom a complaint is filed hereunder or any seed purchaser filing a complaint may request an investigation and other action by the committee for the investigation and arbitration created by Section 2-26-71. The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall forthwith refer the complaint and the answer to said committee for its investigation, findings and recommendation of the allegations of the complaint. Where seed which are the basis of a complaint are labeled by a person other than a seed dealer who sells directly to the farmer or other purchaser of seed, a copy of the complaint shall also be mailed by the commissioner to the person responsible for the labeling of such seed in order that he may be entitled to file an answer. Upon receipt of such findings and recommendation, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall transmit the findings and recommendations of the committee to the farmer or other purchaser of the seed and to the seed dealer by United States registered or certified mail together with a copy thereof to any person responsible for the labeling of the seed.
(Acts 1979, No. 79-424, p. 661, §2.)