Each year, upon a plan for distribution of premiums or prizes having been adopted by the Alabama State Fair Authority and upon said plan having been returned to the Alabama State Fair Authority by the commission, with or without modifications thereof by the said commission, or upon the expiration of the time provided for the return of said plan by the commission to the Alabama State Fair Authority without said plan having been returned within said time, the chairman of the board of directors of the Alabama State Fair Authority shall present the State Comptroller with a requisition for a lump sum in an amount equal to the annual appropriation for that year, and the State Comptroller shall thereupon draw a warrant upon the Treasurer of the State of Alabama for that amount, and the Treasurer shall pay said warrant or cause said warrant to be paid. The Alabama State Fair Authority shall expend and disburse said funds for the purposes and only for the purposes specified in this article. All moneys appropriated to the commission shall be used exclusively for premiums, prizes or rewards for the exhibits, and no portion of said moneys shall be used or allocated for overhead or other expenses of the Alabama State Fair Authority. The Alabama State Fair Authority shall provide space for exhibits without charge to the persons participating in the exhibits.
(Acts 1953, No. 638, p. 895, §6.)