Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other business unit which buys soybeans in Alabama from the producer thereof shall, in the event assessments are required to be deducted from the purchase price of such soybeans under the provisions of this article, obtain from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries an annual permit which shall authorize such individual or business firm to engage in the business of buying soybeans in Alabama. The permit required by this section shall expire on June 30 in each year and shall be renewable as of July 1 unless revoked by the commissioner for failure to comply with the provisions of this article. The application for the annual permit as required by this section shall be accompanied by a fee of $5.00, which shall be deposited by the commissioner in the State Treasury to the credit of the Agricultural Fund. The permit shall be conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of this article and rules and regulations duly adopted for carrying out the requirements of this article relative to the deduction and remittance of assessments by individuals or business firms buying soybeans in Alabama, whether such individuals or business firms are domiciled in Alabama or another state.
(Acts 1971, No. 227, p. 523, §23.)