Any producer of cotton against whom any assessment is made and collected under authority of this article if dissatisfied with said assessment shall have the right to demand and receive from the treasurer of the certified commission a refund of the amount of the assessment collected from such cotton producer, provided such demand for refund is made in writing within 30 days from the date on which such assessment was collected by the ginner; provided, that application for refunds of amounts collected on any cotton ginned must give the name and address of the ginner who ginned the cotton, date of ginning, invoice or weight ticket number, if any, and the amount of cotton ginned for him on which the assessment was collected. Within 30 days after the first quarterly receipt of funds from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, and thereafter within 30 days after receipt of such application, the certified commission shall, after such commission determines that the assessment was paid as claimed in the application, refund the amount so paid as an assessment. The mailing by the commission of a valid check in the amount of such assessment, payable to the cotton producer, within 30 days after receipt of the application for refund, shall constitute a compliance with this section.
(Acts 1981, No. 81-388, p. 586, §14.)