(a) The having in possession by any person, firm, or corporation who manufactures or exposes for sale any out-of-date Class A foods and adulterated or misbranded food or drugs within the meaning of this division shall be prima facie evidence of having in possession with intent to sell in violation of its provisions; except, that any manufacturer, wholesaler, or jobber may keep properly identified goods which might otherwise be in violation of the provisions of this division specially set apart in his stock for sale in other states. Out-of-date foods shall be stored in an area such that out-of-date Class A foods are not offered for sale to the public and shall be clearly marked "Not to be sold." If not so identified and segregated, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the food is in possession with intent to sell in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
(b) No provision of this section shall be construed to allow the storage or transportation of any food which is otherwise required by law to be destroyed or otherwise rendered unusable except for the purpose of such destruction or rendering unusable.
(Acts 1919, No. 708, p. 1031; Code 1923, §4396; Code 1940, T. 2, §314; Act 2000-320, p. 505, §1.)