Services available under this chapter may be provided to any person who:
(1) Has made application therefor to the director of the Division of Rehabilitation and Crippled Children Service in the manner prescribed by him;
(2) Has a severe disability that causes the person to be homebound, such disability to be certified by an appropriate medical specialist;
(3) Has not sufficient income or resources, including family income or resources, insurance, workman's compensation, etc., to meet the cost of home care services applied for, such insufficiency to be determined by a rehabilitation and Crippled Children Service staff member;
(4) Is under the care of a family member who is a potential wage earner and will be relieved to engage in employment outside the home, such circumstances to be certified by a vocational rehabilitation counselor, and such counselor will be responsible for helping place such family member in employment; and
(5) Is a resident of this state.
(Acts 1975, 3rd Ex. Sess. No. 109, p. 336, §3.)