(a) The Legislature notes each of the following facts:
(1) 523,000 Alabamians are over age 65.
(2) Alabama will have at least 660,000 citizens over age 65 in the year 2010. Ten percent of this population will have dementia.
(3) Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia.
(4) Fifty thousand (50,000) Alabamians are over age 85 and almost 100,000 will be over age 85 by the year 2010.
(5) Forty-seven percent (47%) of Alabamians over age 85 will have dementia.
(6) Alabama currently has 52,800 dementia victims and will have almost 70,000 victims by the year 2010.
(7) The life expectancy for a dementia victim is 6 to 8 years after onset.
(8) Many victims live in rural counties with small populations and are difficult to serve.
(9) One-quarter of older Alabamians are below poverty level and one-third live alone.
(10) Most dementia victims are managed at home by family.
(b) The purposes of this article are:
(1) To enable older Alabamians with dementia to live with dignity in their homes or community for as long as possible.
(2) To develop an array of services that follows dementia victims and maintains their independence in the community.
(3) To provide appropriate services for Alabamians suffering from dementia and residing in rural and urban settings.
(4) To emphasize and implement cost-efficient, low-technology, high-yield services that can currently benefit thousands of Alabama citizens.
(5) To allow older Alabamians to pay for services based on their individual resources.
(Acts 1993, No. 93-547, p. 901, §1.)