(a) Signs outside of business areas which are lawfully in existence on February 10, 1972, but which do not conform to the requirements in this division, are declared nonconforming and, subject to Sections 23-1-280, 23-1-281, and 23-1-282, shall be removed by the sign owner and/or property owner under agreement with the director, or under the authority of the director, upon agreement between the parties as to just compensation. In the event no agreement can be reached as to just compensation, the sign shall be removed and payment made therefor through petition filed in probate court in accordance with Section 23-1-282. Outdoor advertising signs, displays, or devices with the purpose of their message being read from the main-traveled way of any interstate highway or primary highway erected prior to April 11, 1978, outside of an urban area and beyond 660 feet of the edge of the right-of-way of such interstate or primary highway and not otherwise lawful under Section 23-1-273, as amended, are declared nonconforming and, subject to Sections 23-1-280, 23-1-281, and 23-1-282, shall be removed by the sign owner and/or property owner under agreement with the director or under the authority of the director, upon agreement between the parties as to just compensation. In the event no agreement can be reached as to just compensation, the sign shall be removed and payment made therefor through petition filed in probate court in accordance with Section 23-1-282.
(b) Signs lawfully erected after February 10, 1972, and which subsequently do not conform to the requirements of this division, shall be removed by the sign owner and/or property owner under agreement with the director or under the authority of the director, upon agreement between the parties as to just compensation. In the event no agreement can be reached as to just compensation, the sign shall be removed and payment made therefor through petition filed in probate court in accordance with Section 23-1-282.
(c) Should any commercial or industrial activity which has been used in defining or delineating an unzoned area cease to operate, the unzoned area shall be redefined or redelineated based on the remaining activities. Any signs located within the former unzoned area, but located outside the unzoned area based on its new dimensions, shall become nonconforming and, subject to Sections 23-1-280, 23-1-281, and 23-1-282, shall be removed by the sign owner and/or property owner under agreement with the director or under the authority of the director, upon agreement between the parties as to just compensation. In the event no agreement can be reached as to just compensation, the sign shall be removed and payment made therefor through petition filed in probate court in accordance with Section 23-1-282.
(Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 276, p. 4544, §6; Acts 1978, No. 383, p. 347.)