(a) The commission shall hold a regular annual meeting on the second Tuesday in June at a time and place designated by the director. Additional meetings of the commission may be held as the needs of aeronautics may require at a time and place specified by the director. The director shall give written notice of all regular and special meetings to each commission member by mailing a notice seven days prior to the meeting date to each commission member at his or her known address. At all regular and special meetings of the commission, no action shall be taken by less than a majority of the commission. All regular and special meetings of the commission shall be open to the public and seven days' notice thereof shall be made to all persons who have signified in writing to the director their desire to receive notices by mailing to their last known address a written notice of meetings.
(b) At the regular annual meeting, the commission shall elect from among its members, a chair, vice-chair, and a secretary, each to serve for one year.
(Act 2000-220, p. 328, §9.)