In addition to all other responsibilities prescribed for the department by this article, the director shall have the following powers and duties with respect to aeronautics activities within this state:
(1) Cooperate with the United States government and any agency or department thereof in the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports and other air navigation facilities in this state.
(2) Comply with the provisions of the laws of the United States and any rules or regulations made thereunder for the expenditure of federal monies upon airports and air navigation facilities.
(3) Enter or authorize the entering of land for the purpose of making surveys, inspections, and examinations relative to the establishment, construction, expansion, improvement, operation, and general safety of airports, restricted landing areas, and other air navigation facilities.
(4) Acquire easements through or other interests in airspace, land, or water in order to provide unobstructed airspace for the landing and taking off of aircraft utilizing airports and restricted landing areas acquired or operated under the provisions of this article and other airport protection privileges as are necessary to insure safe approaches to the landing areas of airports and restricted landing areas and the safe and efficient operation thereof.
(5) Enter into any contracts necessary to the execution of the powers granted under this article. Contracts shall be made pursuant to the laws of this state governing contracts, provided, however, that where the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of any airport, restricted landing area, or other air navigation facility is financed wholly or partially with federal monies, the contracts shall be made in the manner prescribed by the federal authorities, acting under the laws of the United States and any rules or regulations made thereunder, notwithstanding any other state law to the contrary.
(6) Acquire or dispose of any personal or real property, such as airports, restricted landing areas, or any other air navigation facilities by sale, lease, or otherwise, in accordance with state laws governing the disposition of property of the state and in accordance with any restrictions that may be imposed upon property, airport, restricted landing area, or other navigation facility by the United States government. All proceeds from the disposal of any real property acquired in accordance with this section shall be deposited into the appropriate fund established by this article and used solely and exclusively for the purpose of promoting aeronautics or for funding the construction, improvement, expansion, maintenance, operation, or preservation of airports, restricted landing areas, or other air navigation facilities.
(7) Prepare a report to the Governor to be included in the department's annual report. The report shall contain a summary of the activities of aeronautics within the state during the preceding year, a summary of all revenues and expenditures made by the department pertaining to aeronautics activities in the state, other information as the director may deem necessary, and any additional information which may be requested by the Governor.
(Act 2000-220, p. 328, §11.)