(a) The federal license, certificate, rating, or permit required to operate an aircraft shall be kept in the personal possession of an aircraft operator when he or she is operating an aircraft within the state and the license, certificate, rating, or permit shall be presented for inspection upon the demand of any passenger, law enforcement officer of the state or a political subdivision thereof, the director or his or her designee, or any official, manager, or person in charge of an airport in the state upon which the aircraft operator may land.
(b) The federal aircraft license, certificate, or permit required for aircraft by the United States government shall be carried in every aircraft operating in the state at all times and shall be conspicuously posted therein where it may readily be seen by passengers or inspectors and shall be presented for inspection upon the demand of any passenger, law enforcement officer of the state or a political subdivision thereof, the director or his or her designee, any member, authorized official, airport manager or person in charge of any airport in the state upon which the aircraft lands.
(c) Except as hereinafter provided, no civil aircraft may engage in air navigation in the state unless it has first been certified by the United States government as being airworthy for the uses to which it is, or will be, put.
(d) Except as hereinafter provided, a person may not operate or cause or authorize to be operated any civil aircraft within the state unless the aircraft has a license, certificate, or permit issued by the United States government. A person may not engage in aeronautics or operation of an aircraft or act as an aircraft operator in the state unless he or she has an appropriate license, certificate, rating, or permit issued by the United States government authorizing him or her to engage in the particular phase of aeronautics or flight in which he or she is engaged. Violation of this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor.
(e) A flight school or aeronautics instructor may not operate an air or ground school or give instructions in flying or ground subjects in the state unless the school or instructor is the holder of a license, certificate, rating, or permit issued by the United States government authorizing him or her to engage in the particular class of flight or ground instruction in which he or she is engaged. Violation of this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor.
(f) An aircraft maintenance personnel or facility engaged in manufacturing, repairing, or restoring aircraft or aircraft engines, components, and parts may not perform work in the state unless the person or facility is the holder of a license, certificate, or permit issued by the United States government authorizing him or her to engage in the particular aeronautical activity which he or she is engaged. Violation of this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor.
(g) This section does not apply to any of the following:
(1) Public Aircraft. Any aircraft owned by a state or political subdivision thereof, or any aircraft of the United States government and its personnel unless the government-owned aircraft is engaged in carrying persons or property for commercial purposes.
(2) Military and Foreign. Military aircraft and personnel of the United States government or any aircraft or personnel licensed by a foreign country with which the United States has reciprocal relations; provided, however, that the aircraft and aircraft operators are not engaged in any commercial activity within this state.
(Act 2000-220, p. 328, §35.)