No state-controlled road shall be dug up or used for laying pipelines, pole lines, sewers, railways, or for other similar purposes without the written permit of the State Department of Transportation, and such work shall be done only in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the department, and the cost of replacing the road in as good condition as it was before such work was done shall be paid by the person, firm, or corporation to whom or in whose behalf such permit was given. Such person, firm, or corporation so desiring such work shall furnish the state with a cash deposit or certified check upon a solvent bank or surety bond in guaranty company qualified to do business in Alabama, in the amount required by the State Department of Transportation, conditioned that the sum is to be forfeited to the state in the event that said road is not placed in as good condition as it was prior to said work being done, within 15 days from the time said work is completed.
(Code 1923, §1334; Acts 1927, No. 347, p. 348; Code 1940, T. 23, §28.)