(a) It is hereby found and declared:
(1) That there exist in communities of the state slum, blighted, and deteriorated areas which constitute a serious and growing menace, injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and welfare of the residents of the state, and the findings and declarations heretofore made in Section 24-2-1 with respect to blighted areas are hereby affirmed and restated;
(2) That certain slum, blighted, or deteriorated areas, or portions thereof, may require acquisition and clearance, since the prevailing condition of decay may make impracticable the reclamation of the area by conservation or rehabilitation, but other areas, or portions thereof, may, through the means provided in this chapter, be susceptible of conservation or rehabilitation in such a manner that the conditions and evils hereinbefore enumerated may be eliminated, remedied, or prevented, and, to the extent feasible, salvable slum and blighted areas should be conserved and rehabilitated through voluntary action and the regulatory process; and
(3) That all powers conferred by this chapter are for public uses and purposes for which public money may be expended and such other powers exercised, and the necessity in the public interest for the provisions of this chapter is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination.
(b) A city or town, hereinafter called "municipality," to the greatest extent it determines to be feasible in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, shall afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, to the rehabilitation or redevelopment of areas by private enterprise.
(Acts 1955, No. 553, p. 1210, §1.)