(a) No license shall be granted to any person who has not proven his or her qualifications and abilities. Applicants for a mechanic license must demonstrate the following qualifications:
(1) An acceptable combination of documented experience and education credits and not less than three years work experience in the elevator industry in construction, maintenance, and service and repair, as verified by current and previous employers licensed to do business in this state. Satisfactory completion of a written examination administered by the board on the most recent referenced codes and standards.
(2) Certificates of completion and successfully passing the mechanic examination of a nationally recognized training program for the elevator industry such as the National Elevator Industry Educational Program or its equivalent; or certificates of completion of an apprenticeship program for elevator mechanic, having standards substantially equal to those of this chapter, and registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, U.S. Department of Labor, or a state apprenticeship council.
(b) Any person who furnishes the administrator with acceptable proof that he or she has worked as an elevator constructor or maintenance or repair person shall upon making application for a license and paying the license fee be entitled to receive a license without an examination. The person shall have worked without direct and immediate supervision for an elevator contractor licensed to do business in this state. This employment shall be not less than three years immediately prior to September 1, 2003. The person must make application within one year of September 1, 2003.
(c) A license shall be issued to an individual holding a valid license from a state having standards substantially equal to those of this chapter upon application and without examination.
(Act 2003-349, p. 903, §8.)