It shall be the duty of the director to administer this chapter. He shall have power and authority to adopt, amend, or rescind such lawful rules and regulations, to employ such persons, make such expenditures, require such reports, make such investigations, and take such other action as may be necessary or suitable to that end. The director shall determine his own organization and methods of procedure in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the industrial relations law. Annually, the director shall submit to the Governor a summary report covering the administration and operation of this chapter during the preceding fiscal year, and make such recommendations as he deems proper. Whenever the director believes that a change in contribution or benefit rates will become necessary to protect the solvency of the fund, he shall at once inform the Governor and the Legislature thereof, and make recommendations accordingly. The director shall fully cooperate with the agencies of other states, and shall make every proper effort within his means to oppose and prevent any action which would in his judgment tend to effect complete or substantial federalization of state unemployment compensation funds or of the state employment security program.
(Acts 1939, No. 497, p. 721; Code 1940, T. 26, §227; Acts 1943, No. 310, p. 281, §12.)