(a) Every employer shall keep posted in a conspicuous place where any person under 19 years of age is employed, permitted, or suffered to work, a printed notice stating the maximum number of hours persons under 19 may be permitted to work on each day of the week as set out in Section 25-8-36. The printed form of the notice shall be furnished by the department. The employment of any person for a longer time period in any day so stated, or at any time other than as stated in the printed form of notice, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter.
(b) Each employer shall keep on or about the premises at which any person under 19 years of age is employed a separate file for each employee under 19 years of age. The file shall contain the employee's name, home address, date of birth, date of hire, proof of age, school of attendance, and time records which shall state the number of hours worked each day, starting and ending times, break times as listed in subsection (c), and any other information the department may require. The employer shall verify each minor's age using documents recognized by the Federal Employees Identification Laws. The employer shall keep these records on file for not less than three years.
(c) No person 14 or 15 years of age shall be employed for more than five hours continuously without a documented interval of at least 30 minutes for a meal or rest period. Any meal or rest period of less than 30 minutes shall not be considered to interrupt a continuous period of work.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-604, p. 1263, §7; Act 2009-565, §3.)