The board of examiners created by Section 25-9-9 shall examine qualified applicants and give certificates of competency to persons who pass the required examinations to act as mine foremen or fire bosses in any coal mine in this state. A fee to be established by the board, not to exceed $20.00, shall be charged for each examination given by the board, and such fee shall be paid to the Treasury of the state before the examination is begun. The examinations shall be conducted under such uniform rules, conditions, and regulations as the board shall deem most efficient for carrying into effect the spirit and intent of this chapter. Such rules, when formulated, shall be made a part of the permanent record of the board, and such of them as relate to candidates shall be published for their information and governance prior to each examination. Such rules shall be of uniform application to all candidates.
(Acts 1949, No. 207, p. 242, §4; Acts 1981, No. 81-201, p. 242, §4.)