(a) Oiling or greasing of mine cars inside coal mines is permitted only when the work and storage areas are kept reasonably clean at all times. Storage of oil or grease for this purpose is limited to three barrels, and must be in a fireproof compartment connecting with return airway direct to the surface and without contacting active workings.
(b) Lubricants for use in underground shops must be kept in approved portable containers, kept securely closed when not in use and are not to exceed a one day's supply; provided, that more than a one day's supply may be stored underground in reasonable quantities if stored in a fireproof compartment connecting with return airway to the surface and without contacting active workings.
(c) Lubricants for use in sections using mechanical equipment must be kept in approved portable containers, kept securely closed when not in use in minimum quantities required for operations, not exceeding 48 hours.
(d) All points at which lubricants are used, kept, or stored shall be kept reasonably clean and free of avoidable spillage.
(e) Five hundred pounds of rock dust or sand or a 2A 10-B:C fire extinguisher shall be kept convenient to each oil or grease storage area in mines.
(f) Two hundred pounds of rock dust or sand or a fire extinguisher suitable for use in Class A fires will be kept convenient to each set of doors used for ventilation in mines.
(g) Five hundred pounds of rock dust or sand or a 2A 10-B:C fire extinguisher shall be kept convenient to each station or room containing mine transformers, rectifiers, motor generator sets, battery chargers, permanent pump, or air compressor control rooms and such other stationary and permanent or semipermanent equipment as may be classed by the chief of the division as a serious hazard in event of fire.
(Acts 1949, No. 207, p. 242, §35; Acts 1975, 4th Ex. Sess., No. 147, p. 2866, §1.)