The duties of mine inspectors are to make examinations of mines to see that all the requirements of this chapter are strictly observed and carried out. They shall examine the equipment, works, and machinery connected with said mines; examine into the state of coal mines as to transportation, ventilation, circulation, and conditions of air, electricity, explosives, timbering, drainage, practices, and general security and perform such other duties as are required by the director. At the commencement of any inspection of a coal mine as provided herein, the authorized representative of the miners at the mine at the time of such inspection shall be given an opportunity to accompany the mine inspectors on any such inspection. The mine inspectors shall make a record of all examinations of coal mines, showing the date when made, the condition in which the coal mines are found, the extent to which the laws relating to coal mines and mining are observed or violated, the progress made in the improvements and security of life and health sought to be secured by the provisions of this chapter, the number of accidents, injuries received, or deaths in or about the coal mines, the number of persons employed in or by each coal mine, together with all such other facts and information of public interest concerning the condition of coal mines, development, and progress of coal mining in this state as they may think useful and proper, and so much thereof as may be of public interest to be included in their reports. A comprehensive report of each inspection of each coal mine shall promptly be made by the chief to the operator, superintendent, and mine foreman of said coal mine, and said report shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the mine. This report shall be on a form provided for that purpose and compiled by the said chief. The form may be changed by the chief from time to time, as may seem desirable.
(Acts 1949, No. 207, p. 242, §3; Acts 1975, 4th Ex. Sess., No. 147, p. 2866, §1.)