There shall be appointed by the Governor a board of examiners, all of whom shall be citizens of this state and hold Alabama mine foreman's certificates, consisting of the chief or the head mine inspector, as the director may designate, together with three active practical miners, three operators of coal mines, and one practicing mining engineer. The members of this board shall be appointed by the Governor and shall hold office for three years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and, as nearly as possible, two members shall be appointed one year and three the succeeding year. No member of the board shall serve more than two consecutive terms of office. The chief or the head mine inspector shall be ex officio chairman of the board. The chairman shall vote only in the case of a tie vote, and, in the absence of one member of the board, a majority of whom shall act. In the event of the failure to have a quorum, the chairman shall have the authority to select a qualified person or persons. There shall be paid to each member of the board, except the ex officio chairman, who shall serve without extra pay, ten dollars ($10) per day. Each board member shall also be entitled to the same per diem and travel allowance as is provided by law for state employees for each day's attendance at meetings of the board. The board of examiners shall meet every six months at the office of the chief and shall remain in session not longer than eight days, and special meetings may be called by the chairman or a majority of the members of the board. The department shall preserve in its office a record of the meetings and transactions of the board and all certificates issued and revoked.
(Acts 1949, No. 207, p. 242, §4; Acts 1975, 4th Ex. Sess., No. 147, p. 2866, §1; Acts 1981, No. 81-201, p. 242, §4; Acts 1984, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 85-15, p. 17, §1; Acts 1988, No. 88-135, p. 194, §3; Act 2008-147, p. 238, §3.)