(a) A father of a bastard child may seek to legitimate it and render it capable of inheriting his estate by filing a notice of declaration of legitimation in writing attested by two witnesses, setting forth the name of the child proposed to be legitimated, its sex, supposed age, and the name of mother and that he thereby recognizes it as his child and capable of inheriting his estate, real and personal, as if born in wedlock. The declaration, being acknowledged by the maker before the judge of probate of the county of the father's residence or the child's residence or its execution proved by the attesting witnesses, shall be filed in the office of the judge of probate of the father's residence or the child's residence.
(b) Upon the filing of the declaration of legitimation, notice shall be given to the child's mother and to the child as provided by the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. Notice may be waived as provided by the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. The child's mother shall, within 30 days after receiving notice, file her objection or consent to the legitimation with the probate court. The probate court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the child if the mother files a timely objection or if the court determines such appointment to be in the best interest of the child. Following receipt of the mother's response or upon expiration of the time for her response, the probate court shall conduct an informal hearing at which all interested parties may present evidence for determination of whether legitimation is in the best interest of the child. The court shall issue an order of legitimation or denial of declaration of legitimation.
(c) Upon legitimation of the child, a certified copy of the minutes of the court shall be sent by the judge of probate to the Office of Vital Statistics, State Board of Health, and to the Registrar of Vital Statistics of the county where the petition was filed within 30 days after the minutes are recorded.
(Code 1852, §2009; Code 1867, §2405; Code 1876, §2743; Code 1886, §2365; Code 1896, §365; Code 1907, §5200; Code 1923, §9300; Code 1940, T. 27, §11; Acts 1959, No. 640, p. 1555; Acts 1961, No. 802, p. 1165; Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 175, p. 2136; Acts 1981, No. 81-800, p. 1407, §1.)