(a) There are hereby created local child death review teams.
(b) Each county of the state shall be included in a local multidisciplinary, multiagency child death review team's jurisdiction. The district attorney shall initiate the establishment of local teams by convening a meeting of potential team members within 60 days of September 11, 1997. In the absence of the initiation of a child death review team by the district attorney within 60 days of September 11, 1997, the local public health representative will initiate the first team meeting. During this meeting, participants shall recommend whether to establish a team for that county alone or to establish a team with and for the counties within that judicial circuit.
(c) The local team shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following members, the first five of whom are ex officio. The ex officio members may designate representatives from their particular departments or offices to represent them on the local team who may vote and exercise all other prerogatives of the appointment. The members of the local team include the following:
(1) The county health officer.
(2) The director of the county department of human resources.
(3) The county district attorney.
(4) The medical examiner.
(5) The local coroner.
(6) An investigator with a local sheriff's department who is familiar with homicide investigation.
(7) An investigator with a local police department who is familiar with homicide investigation.
(8) A pediatrician, or if no pediatrician is available a primary care physician, appointed by the county medical society.
(9) A representative from a local child advocacy center, if one exists.
(d) The local team shall select a chair from among its members. The chair shall serve a term of three years and may serve more than one consecutive term.
(e) Members who are not ex officio shall serve for a three-year term and may succeed themselves but shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. Terms for these members shall be staggered.
(f) The initial meeting of the local team shall be held within 60 days of September 11, 1997.
(g) A quorum for conducting all activities shall be determined by the local team. A simple majority of members present constituting a quorum shall be required for any affirmative vote.
(h) The purpose of the local team is to decrease the incidence of unexpected/unexplained child injury and death by the following means:
(1) Identifying factors which make a child at risk of injury or death.
(2) Sharing information among the agencies which provide services to children and families or which investigate child deaths or provide services.
(3) Improving local investigations of unexpected/unexplained child deaths by participating agencies.
(4) Improving existing services and systems and assisting in the establishment of additional services and systems to fill in gaps in the community.
(5) Identifying trends relevant to unexpected/unexplained child injury and death.
(6) Educating the local public regarding the incidence and causes of child injury and death and the public role in aiding and reducing the risk of such injuries and deaths.
(i) To achieve its purpose, the local team shall perform all the following duties and functions:
(1) Establish and implement a protocol for the local team within two months of receipt of the model protocols from the state team as required by Section 26-16-93.
(2) Respond by recording all child deaths and reviewing individual unexpected/unexplained child deaths in accordance with protocols from the state team.
(3) Meet as deemed necessary by the local chair, but not less than annually, to review the status of unexpected/unexplained child death cases, propose recommendations for improving coordination of services and investigations between member agencies, and propose changes within the member agencies which shall reduce the risk and incidence of unexpected/unexplained child injury and death.
(4) Collect data as required for submittal to the state team.
(5) Provide reports to the state team following each team meeting which shall include data on child deaths, steps taken to improve coordination of services and investigations, steps taken to implement changes within member agencies, and advice on needed changes to law, policy, and practice which shall aid in reducing the risk and incidence of child injury and death.
(j) At a local team meeting to review unexpected/unexplained child deaths, information shall be provided as specified below, except where otherwise protected by statute, to carry out each of the following of the local team's purpose and duties:
(1) The providers of medical care, the physician representative, or the medical examiner, shall provide pertinent health and medical information regarding a child whose death is being reviewed by the local team.
(2) State, county, or local government agencies shall provide all of the following data on forms developed by the state team for reporting to local child death review teams:
a. Birth information for children who died at less than one year of age including confidential information collected for medical and health use.
b. Death information for children who have not reached their eighteenth birthday.
c. Law enforcement investigative data, medical examiner investigative data, parole and probation information, and records.
d. Medical care, including dental, mental, and prenatal health care.
e. Pertinent information from any social services agency that provided services to the child or family.
(Act 97-893, p. 252, §7.)