On the day appointed or on any other day to which the settlement may be continued, the court must proceed to examine the vouchers and to audit and state the account, requiring evidence in support of all such vouchers or items of the account as may be contested or as may not on examination appear to the court to be just and proper, such evidence to be taken by affidavit or in any other legal mode. If any voucher or item be rejected, all costs accruing on the contest or examination thereof must be taxed against the conservator or his or her personal representative and not against the ward or his or her estate.
(Code 1886, §2462; Code 1896, §2347; Code 1907, §4437; Code 1923, §8210; Code 1940, T. 21, §137; Acts 1987, No. 87-590, p. 975, §2-333(b).)