(a) The commissioner shall keep and preserve in permanent form accurate and complete records of his proceedings, including also a concise statement of the result of such examination of insurers by the commissioner, record and file all bonds and contracts and shall file such records in the department. The commissioner is responsible for the custody and preservation of all records, documents and files of the department.
(b) The records of the commissioner and insurance filings in his office shall be open to public inspection, except as otherwise provided by this title.
(c) The commissioner may photograph, microphotograph or reproduce on film, whereby each page will be reproduced in exact conformity with the original, all financial records, financial statements of domestic insurers, reports of business transacted in this state by foreign insurers, reports of examination of domestic insurers and such other records and documents on file in his office as he may in his discretion select.
(d) To facilitate efficient use of floor space and filing equipment in his offices the commissioner may destroy records and documents as follows:
(1) General correspondence files over three years old;
(2) Agent, broker, solicitor, adjuster, and similar license files over two years old;
(3) Insurer certificate of authority files over two years old;
(4) All documents and records which have been photographed or otherwise reproduced as provided in subsection (c) of this section, and such reproduction has been filed and after audit of the commissioner's office has been completed for the period embracing the dates of such documents and records; and
(5) All other records, documents and files not expressly provided for in subdivisions (1) through (4) of this subsection.
(Code 1940, T. 28, §72; Acts 1971, No. 407, p. 707, §31.)