(a) There is created a fund in the State Treasury designated the "Insurance Department Fund" to be used for the operation of the Department of Insurance. Receipts deposited into this fund shall be disbursed only by warrants of the state Comptroller drawn upon the State Treasury on itemized vouchers approved by the Commissioner of Insurance. No funds shall be withdrawn or expended except as budgeted and allotted according to Sections 41-4-80 to 41-4-96, inclusive, and 41-19-1 to 41-19-12, inclusive, and only in amounts as stipulated in the general appropriations act, other appropriation acts, or this section. At the end of each fiscal year, any unencumbered and unexpended balance of up to 25 percent of the amount appropriated for that fiscal year shall not revert to the State General Fund under Section 41-4-93, but shall carry over to the next fiscal year.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner of Insurance shall promptly pay all sums, fees, taxes, licenses, renewals, and other miscellaneous charges collected pursuant to Sections 10-4-111, 27-2-16, 27-3-29, 27-4-2, 27-7-7, 27-8-1, 27-8-5, 27-13-5, 27-13-24, 27-13-62, 27-21A-21, 27-34-6, 27-34-36, 27-34-47, 27-39-6, and 27-39-7, other than those fines, penalties, and deposit requirements collected pursuant to Section 27-3-29, and other than those fees collected pursuant to Chapter 8A of Title 27 for deposit into the Insurance Agents and Brokers Continuing Education Fund, into the State Treasury with 50 percent credited to the State General Fund and 50 percent credited to the Insurance Department Fund.
(Acts 1996, No. 96-692, p. 1161, §§1, 2; Act 98-613, p. 1351, §1.)