The commissioner shall:
(1) Organize, supervise, and administer the Department of Insurance so that it will perform its lawful functions efficiently and effectively.
(2) Enforce the provisions of this title.
(3) Execute the duties imposed upon him or her by this title.
(4) Have the powers and authority expressly conferred upon him or her by, or reasonably implied from, the provisions of this title.
(5) Sign and execute in the name of the state, by "the state Department of Insurance," all contracts or agreements with the federal government or its agencies, other states or political subdivisions thereof, political subdivisions of this state, or with private persons.
(6) Conduct such examinations and investigations of insurance matters, in addition to examinations and investigations expressly authorized, as he or she may deem proper to determine whether any person has violated any provision of this title or to secure information useful in the lawful administration of any such provision. The cost of such additional examinations or investigations shall be borne by the state except as otherwise expressly provided.
(7) Invoke any legal, equitable, or special remedy for the enforcement of orders or the provisions of this title.
(8) Have such powers and perform such duties as may be granted to or required of the "superintendent of insurance" of this state under laws remaining in force after the effective date of this title.
(9) Have such additional powers and duties as may be provided by other laws of this state.
(10) Not issue a license to a natural person under this title or other law unless the natural person is a United States citizen or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person who is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government.
(Acts 1951, No. 234, p. 504, §9; Acts 1971, No. 407, p. 707, §27; Act 2008-135, p. 202, §3.)