It shall be unlawful to locate any state liquor store within one mile of the boundary of the campus or grounds of any state teachers college or any institution of higher learning or of any eleemosynary institution in this state, unless such store is within 400 feet of the courthouse, and it shall be unlawful to sell any intoxicating, spirituous, vinous, malt liquors or beverages or wine or beer in any establishment located within one mile of the boundary of the campus grounds of such institutions or college, unless such establishment is within 400 feet of the courthouse; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to or be operative within the limits of any county having a population of 500,000 or more, except as provided in the next following sentence, or within the corporate limits or the police jurisdiction of cities having a population of more than 50,000 according to the last federal census or which shall have such population according to any federal census which may be taken hereafter; provided further, that within the corporate limits of any city having population of more than 20,000 and less than 30,000, which city is located within a county having a population of 500,000 or more, all according to the last or any subsequent federal decennial census, the foregoing provisions of this sentence shall not apply, but in lieu thereof the provisions of the next following sentences shall apply.
Within the corporate limits of any city having population of more than 20,000 and less than 30,000, which city is located within a county having a population of 500,000 or more, all according to the last or any subsequent federal decennial census, it shall be unlawful to locate any state liquor store within 4,200 feet of the principal administration building of any state teachers college or any institution of higher learning or of any eleemosynary institution in this state, unless such store is within 400 feet of the courthouse, and it shall be unlawful to sell any intoxicating, spirituous, vinous, malt liquors or beverages or wine or beer in any establishment located within 4,200 feet of the principal administration building of such institution or college, unless such establishment is within 400 feet of the courthouse.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained above in this section, the removal or relocation of the said principal administration building of such institution or college to a new location shall not make unlawful the sale of intoxicating, spirituous, vinous, malt liquors or beverages or wine or beer in any place of business where, prior to the removal or relocation of said principal administration building, the sale of said liquors, beverages, wine or beer was not violative of the provisions of this section.
(Acts 1936-37, Ex. Sess., No. 66, p. 40; Code 1940, T, 29, §73; Acts 1971, No. 975, p. 1741.)