(a) Every wholesaler licensee collecting tax on beer levied by this article shall timely pay the same as provided in this article. Every such wholesaler licensee failing for a period of 10 days beyond the due date to pay the said tax due pursuant to this article shall be required to pay as part of the taxes imposed under this article a penalty of not less than $50.00, nor more than $250.00, to be assessed and collected by the authority to whom the taxes are to be paid. In addition to such penalty, any wholesaler licensee failing for a period of 10 days beyond the due date to pay all or any part of the tax due pursuant to this article shall not be entitled to deduct and retain the two and one-half percent discount prescribed in Section 28-3-190(b) hereof upon any portion of the tax which is not timely paid.
(b) If any taxes or penalties imposed by this article remain due and unpaid for a period of 10 days, the presiding officer of the affected governing body may issue a warrant or execution directed to any sheriff of the State of Alabama, commanding him to levy upon and sell the real and personal property of the taxpayer found within his county for the payment of the amount thereof, with penalties, if any, and the cost of executing the warrant, and to return such warrant to the governing body of the county or municipality and pay to it the money collected by virtue thereof. Upon receipt of such execution, the sheriff shall file with the clerk of the circuit court of his county a copy thereof and thereupon the clerk of the circuit court shall enter in his abstract of judgments the name of the taxpayer mentioned in the warrant and in proper columns the amount of tax, with penalties, and costs for which the warrant is issued and the date and hour when such copy is filed, and shall index the warrant upon the index of judgments. The sheriff shall thereupon proceed upon the warrant in all respects with like effect and in the same manner prescribed by law in respect to executions issued against the property upon judgments of a court of record and shall be entitled to the same fees for services in executing the warrant to be collected in the same manner. He shall make return of such execution to said governing body within 30 days of issuance thereof. The taxes and penalties imposed by this article shall be deemed a debt owing to the county or municipality by the party against whom the same shall be charged and shall be a preferred lien on all property of the party against whom the same shall be charged.
(Acts 1982, No. 82-344, p. 473, §4.)