(a) The functions, duties and powers of the board shall be as follows:
(1) To buy, manufacture and sell alcoholic beverages and to have alcoholic beverages in its possession for sale, as defined and enumerated in this chapter.
(2) To control the possession, sale, transportation and delivery of alcoholic beverages as enumerated and defined in this chapter.
(3) To determine the localities within which any state store shall be established and operated and the location of such store. No store shall be established in and neither the board nor any other person may legally buy, manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages in any county which has voted in the negative in any election called as provided in Chapter 2 of this title for determining the said issue unless and until said county has at a subsequent similar election voted in the affirmative. The board shall have the power to establish and maintain state stores for the sale of liquors as defined in this chapter; provided, that municipalities may by proper zoning ordinances establish zones or districts within which such liquor stores may or may not be established; provided further, that the number of liquor stores in any municipality shall be limited to two such stores for municipalities of 25,000 population or less according to the last or any subsequent federal census and, in municipalities having more than 25,000 population, such additional stores as the board, in its discretion, may determine.
(4) To make provision for the maintenance of warehouses for alcoholic beverages and to control the delivery of alcoholic beverages to and from such warehouses and the keeping of the same therein.
(5) To operate distilleries and to manufacture alcoholic beverages if, in the opinion of the board, the purposes of this chapter can be thereby promoted. The price of all spiritous and vinous liquors dispensed by the board shall be fixed by the board, and the location of liquor stores shall not be adjacent to schools or churches or in a neighborhood which is exclusively residential. Neither the board nor any state store operated by it shall in any manner advertise its wares for sale.
(6) To appoint, subject to the provisions of the Merit System, every officer, agent, inspector, investigator and employee, in accordance with the qualifications specifically set out in this chapter, required for the operation of the business of said board, commission such agents, inspectors or investigators as necessary to make arrests and execute search warrants and have the same authority as designated to peace officers as now authorized by law, assign all employees their official positions and titles, define their respective duties and powers, require them or any of them to give bonds payable to the state in such penalty as shall be fixed by the board and engage the services of experts and persons engaged in the practice of a profession.
(7) To control the manufacture, possession, sale, consumption, importation, use and delivery of liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and to fix the wholesale and retail prices at which liquor shall be sold at Alabama liquor stores. The board shall require each Alabama manufacturer and each nonresident manufacturer of distilled liquors selling distilled liquors to the board to make application for and be granted a permit by the board before distilled liquors shall be purchased from such manufacturer. The board before issuing such permit shall collect from each applicant a permit fee of $15.00, which sum shall be paid annually thereafter on application. In the event that any such manufacturer shall, in the opinion of the board, sell distilled liquors to the board through another person for the purpose of evading this provision relating to permits, the board shall require such person before purchasing distilled liquors from him or it to take out a permit and pay the same fee as hereinbefore required to be paid by such manufacturer. All permit fees so collected shall be paid into the State Stores Fund.
(8) To grant, issue and suspend or revoke for cause liquor licenses and alcohol permits as provided in this chapter.
(9) To grant, issue and suspend or revoke for cause malt or brewed and vinous beverages licenses as provided in this chapter.
(10) To lease and furnish and equip such buildings, rooms and other accommodations as shall be required for the operation of this chapter. To determine the nature, form and capacity of all packages to be used for containing liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages to be kept or sold under this chapter and to prescribe the form and contents of all labels and seals to be placed thereon.
(11) To purchase from time to time the necessary stamps, crowns or lids, in a quantity sufficient for a period not to exceed six months, for identifying each article sold or distributed by or through the said state liquor stores. All liquors, vinous beverages and alcohol sold or distributed by the board or any licensee of said board shall be stamped or endorsed in such characteristic way or manner to be determined by the board as shall clearly indicate that it has been dispensed by the board, and all such liquors, vinous beverages or alcohol not containing such label shall be contraband and subject to forfeiture as other contraband liquors.
(12) To require all wholesalers who make sales of alcoholic beverages of any kind as defined in this chapter to any state store to forward, when the shipments of such alcoholic beverages are made, to the board an invoice setting out the quantities of beverages purchased, and the price quotation showing at what price such beverages were sold and such invoice and quotation to be placed on record in the records of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of the State of Alabama and to be held for a period of not less than 18 months.
(b) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board shall be subject to regular examinations by the Examiners of Public Accounts the same as all other state agencies.
(Acts 1936-37, Ex. Sess., No. 66, p. 40; Code 1940, T. 29, §5; Acts 1957, No. 373, p. 501; Acts 1961, No. 869, p. 1362.)