It shall be the duty of every railroad company, express company or other common carrier and of every person, firm or corporation that shall carry or transport any of the liquors mentioned in Section 28-4-120 into the state from any of the points or places mentioned in Section 28-4-120 for the purpose of delivery and who shall deliver such liquors, or any of them, to any person, firm or corporation in this state to currently keep, in a fair and legible hand or typewritten or otherwise so that the same may be easily read, a record of such liquors and of the delivery thereof, which shall set forth the date on which such liquors were received and delivered, the name and post-office address of the consignor and consignee, the place of delivery and the person to whom delivered and the kind and amount of such liquor delivered.
(Acts 1915, No. 10, p. 39; Code 1923, §4696; Code 1940, T. 29, §166.)