The record required by Section 28-4-131 to be kept by common carriers or persons, firms or corporations making delivery of said liquors or any of them in this state from any point or place mentioned in Section 28-4-120 shall also be open to the inspection of any enforcement officer and of the duly authorized person seeking information for the prosecution of persons charged with or suspected of crime, and when application is made by any of the said officers or persons for permission to examine and take copies of such record, they shall be allowed to do so during the office or business hours of the persons or corporations keeping said record, and in such reasonable manner as not to interfere with the business of the corporation or person keeping said record.
The said record may be secured to be produced in court by any lawful process issued by any court of the state, to be used as evidence, and said record shall be competent evidence upon the trial of any action whatsoever in any court, in which the record may be material or relevant to the issues involved.
(Acts 1915, No. 10, p. 39; Code 1923, §4697; Code 1940, T. 29, §167.)