If the petition shall request a writ of seizure authorizing the sheriff to seize all prohibited liquors and beverages on the premises, together with all signs, screens, bars, bottles, glasses and other movable property used in keeping and maintaining said nuisance, the officer, or citizen or citizens filing the petition may, at the time they apply for a preliminary injunction, make application to the judge who grants the preliminary injunction or to the judge of the court in which the petition is or is to be filed or they may, at any time pending the hearing, make such application to said judge for such writ of seizure, and said writ may be ordered to issue when probable cause is shown, supported by oath or affirmation for the issuance of said writ, that the officer or person making the application or filing the petition has probable cause to believe and does believe that said prohibited liquors and beverages are manufactured, sold, furnished, given away, kept or offered for sale in violation of law on or about said premises. The officer or citizen or citizens making the application may support the same by the production of affidavits in writing sworn to and subscribed by the person making them, and the judge may issue said writ of seizure when he is satisfied from the affidavit of the officer or citizen or citizens or of others that facts have been produced affording probable cause for believing the grounds of the application to exist.
(Acts 1909, No. 191, p. 63; Acts 1915, No. 2, p. 8; Code 1923, §4678; Code 1940, T. 29, §148.)