No prohibited liquors and beverages shall be kept or permitted to be kept by members or others in any locker or room of or on the premises of any social club or of any other association or organization of persons, whether of a fraternal or social nature or otherwise, and whether incorporated or not, and such club or club room shall not be deemed to be at the home or private premises of any member thereof.
It shall be the duty of all officers of any such club or association of persons, and especially of the secretary, manager or other officer in charge of the premises, to prevent the violation of this section by the members or by others resorting thereto. The presence of prohibited liquor in any locker or any other place on the premises or about the rooms of any such club or association of persons shall constitute prima facie evidence that the said officers in charge and the officers and directors of the club or of the organization are unlawfully permitting the possession of said prohibited liquors and beverages at such place and are guilty of violation of this section.
(Acts 1919, No. 7, p. 6; Code 1923, §4624; Code 1940, T. 29, §101.)