The issue thus framed shall be deemed an action pending in the court of the judge who issued the warrant between the State of Alabama, on the relation of the complainant, and the liquor and beverages and vessels and receptacles so seized and against the party in possession of the liquors and beverages or against the party who interposes the claim, and may be entitled in the name of the State of Alabama against the said party so appearing, if any, and if no one appears, may be entitled as against said liquors and beverages adding for identification the name of the person or persons mentioned in the affidavit or warrant. The said action shall be tried in the district court as other actions are tried therein.
(Acts 1909, No. 191, p. 63; Acts 1915, No. 2, p. 8; Code 1923, §4757; Code 1940, T. 29, §226.)