Unless otherwise provided by law, the proceeds of the sale of any such property forfeited to the state, whether sold by court order or by an officer under advertisement, shall, after paying all expenses in the action, or of advertisement, as the case may be, including the costs of seizure and of keeping the property pending the proceedings, be applied as follows: One half of the proceeds shall be paid into the general fund of the county in which the property is seized, and the other one half shall be paid into the law-enforcement fund to be used and applied on the enforcement of state laws under the supervision and control of the Governor; provided, that when such property shall be seized by an officer of a municipality, one half of the proceeds of the sale shall be paid into the general fund of the municipality, one quarter shall be paid into the general fund of the county, and the other one quarter shall be paid into the law-enforcement fund to be used and applied on the enforcement of state laws under the supervision and control of the Governor.
(Acts 1919, No. 7, p. 6; Code 1923, §4782; Code 1940, T. 29, §251; Acts 1947, No. 126, p. 38; Acts 1949, No. 669, p. 1032.)