The unlawful manufacture, sale, keeping for sale, giving away or otherwise disposing of any prohibited liquors or beverages contrary to the law of the state or the carrying on of the business of a retail or wholesale dealer in liquors or retail or wholesale dealer in malt liquors or the business of a brewer, distiller or rectifier of spirits shall, at the option of the landlord or lessor, work a forfeiture of all the rights of any lessee or tenant under any lease or contract of rent of the premises where such unlawful act is performed or such unlawful business is conducted by the lessee or tenant or by any agent, servant, clerk or employee of the lessee or tenant with the latter's knowledge or permission.
(Acts 1909, No. 191, p. 63; Acts 1915, No. 2, p. 8; Code 1923, §4684; Code 1940, T. 29, §154.)