(a) The committee shall convene a council composed of the chair of the committee or his or her designee and the commissioner or the commissioner's designee of each department of state government that administers services to children, youth, and their families, including, but not limited to, the Department of Education, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, the Department of Public Health, the Medicaid Agency, the Department of Youth Services, the Department of Rehabilitation Services, one member from the Alabama Association of County Directors of Human Resources appointed by that organization, one member from the Alabama Residential Child Care Association appointed by that organization, two members from the Alabama Foster Parent Association appointed by that organization, one member from the Juvenile Court Judges Association appointed by that organization, one guardian ad litem appointed by the Alabama State Bar, and three additional members appointed by the committee, who diversely represent children in state care, one of whom shall be a parent of a child in state care. Each non-departmental head member of the council shall serve for a term of three years until his or her successor is appointed.
(b) The council shall meet at least once each quarter. The chair of the committee or his or her designee shall serve as chair. The council shall meet at such other times as the chair deems necessary or expedient for the performance of duties and responsibilities. The members of the council shall receive mileage and per diem as provided by Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 36, while attending meetings or while performing the official duties of the council from appropriations made by the Legislature to the council. Those members present at meetings of the council shall constitute a quorum.
(c) The council has the following duties and responsibilities:
(1) Provide input on the issues that affect the care of and the services received by children who are in the care of a state agency.
(2) Identify, analyze, and recommend solutions to any issue concerning children's services.
(3) Interpret to the general public the need for foster care and the important service that foster parents provide.
(4) Promote the statewide exchange and pooling of information in the area of children in state care.
(5) Review and make recommendations to the committee concerning state care and child service delivery policies, guidelines, and procedures.
(6) Develop recommendations concerning training to improve the quality of services to children in state care.
(7) Review and advise the committee on pending or enacted legislation, primarily as it concerns children's services, and on agencies' responses or positions regarding that legislation.
(8) Assist in the design and implementation of a data collection system.
(9) Provide budget and program information to the committee on children in state care.
(10) Prepare an annual report on children in state care to be submitted to the committee.
(Act 98-612, p. 1347, §6.)