There is hereby created a permanent Joint Legislative Advisory Committee on Community Services Grants, hereinafter referred to as the committee. The committee shall consist of the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee; the Chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation-Education Committee; the Chair of the Senate Committee on Economic Expansion and Trade; three members of the House Ways and Means Committee appointed by the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee; one member of the Senate Finance and Taxation-Education Committee appointed by the Chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation-Education Committee; and one member of the Senate Committee on Economic Expansion and Trade appointed by the Chair of the Senate Committee on Economic Expansion and Trade. The committee shall hold its organizational meeting within 30 days after the adjournment of any session of the Legislature in which an appropriation has been made to the State Executive Commission on Community Services Grants for community services grants. The committee shall meet at the call of the chair or any majority of members thereof; provided, that the committee shall meet at least once each four months in years which grant appropriations have been made to the State Executive Commission on Community Services Grants. The committee may meet, act, and conduct its business during the sessions of the Legislature or any recess thereof, and in the interim period between sessions.
(Act 98-677, p. 1490, §2; Act 2006-511, p. 1183, §2.)