There is hereby created a Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on Finances and Budgets. The committee shall meet during the interim periods between the regular sessions of the Legislature. It shall be the duty of the committee to make a careful investigation and study of the financial condition of the state, hold budget hearings, inquire into ways and means of financing state government and its programs, and report its findings and recommendations as herein provided. The Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Director of the Legislative Fiscal Office shall provide the committee with such clerical and expert assistance from among their respective staffs as may be necessary. All departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, offices and institutions of the state shall and are hereby directed to cooperate fully with the committee and its staff and shall furnish any and all information that may be requested by the committee or its staff.
(Acts 1991, No. 91-652, p. 1229, §1.)