As used in this chapter the term domestic violence fatality review team means an organization that includes, but is not limited to, representatives from the following agencies or organizations:
(1) Municipal and state law enforcement agencies.
(2) The Attorney General and the President of the Alabama District Attorney's Association, for state level teams or the district attorney of each judicial circuit for local or regional teams.
(3) The Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences.
(4) Certified domestic violence centers.
(5) Child protection service providers.
(6) The Administrative Office of Courts.
(7) The municipal and circuit clerks of the court.
(8) Victim service programs.
(9) Providers of civil legal assistance to victims.
(10) Child death review teams.
(11) Members of the business community.
(12) County probation or corrections agencies.
(13) Any other persons who have knowledge regarding domestic violence fatalities, nonlethal incidents of domestic violence, or suicide, including research, policy, law, and other matters connected with fatal incidents.
(14) The humane societies or shelters.
(15) Certified perpetrator intervention programs.
(16) The Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
(17) The coroner or county medical examiner.
(18) The Department of Human Resources.
(19) The Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention or its designee.
(20) Other representatives as determined by the review team.
(Act 2009-656, §1.)