Whenever in the opinion of the Armory Commission it is practicable to do so, each armory of the National Guard or Naval Militia shall contain a room suitable for meetings of associations composed of veterans of the Spanish-American War, the World Wars, the Korean War and the Viet Nam War, and shall be available for such meetings under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the commanding officer of the National Guard unit or units using such armory. The Armory Commission of Alabama may permit the use of any armory for assembly and other purposes of various patriotic and civic organizations such as the Sons of Confederate and Federal Veterans, the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Daughters of the Confederacy, the Chamber of Commerce, etc., as may be deemed advisable, where the use does not interfere with the use of the armory by the National Guard unit or units occupying same. When the unit or units of the National Guard or Naval Militia occupying an armory ceases to exist for any reason, the Armory Commission shall make a decision whether it is in the best interest of the state to keep the armory or whether the same shall be sold and the proceeds deposited back in the Armory Fund, or if same should be rented and the proceeds placed in the Armory Fund. Any sales made must be public ones and have the time, place and terms of proposed sale advertised for one month prior to sale in at least six daily newspapers of the state, of which at least three must be outside the county in which the armories are located, and each must be in different cities.
(Acts 1935, No. 276, p. 672; Code 1940, T. 35, §197.)