The Armory Commission may, either alone or in cooperation with the United States or political subdivisions of the state, such as counties, cities or incorporated towns, and private corporations, voluntary unincorporated associations or individuals, construct or acquire by purchase, contract, lease, gift, donation or condemnation, armories, buildings or grounds, suitable for drill instruction and administration and the safekeeping of public property and make additions and improvements in or to such armories and facilities, and, either alone or with the like cooperation of others, provide heat, light, water, telephone service and other costs of operation and maintenance, including insurance. The amounts to be appropriated out of any armory funds for the construction or acquisition of armories, and for the maintenance or rental of armories, shall, within the limits set forth in this section, be wholly within the discretion of the Armory Commission.
(Acts 1935, No. 276, p. 672; Code 1940, T. 35, §192.)