The county department of human resources of each county shall, at least twice a year, submit a certified list of the pensioners on the roll of its county, with the post-office address of each, to the judge of the circuit court, who shall specifically charge the grand jury to investigate the pension list for the purpose of ascertaining such as are not entitled to pensions. The list may be purged of any names on said list who are not entitled to receive pensions, and the foreman of such grand jury shall report through the county department of human resources to the State Department of Human Resources the recommendation of the grand jury as to such names as from their investigation are not entitled to the benefits of this chapter. Such names shall, on order of the State Department of Human Resources, be stricken from the pension roll.
(Acts 1919, No. 409, p. 535; Code 1923, §2967; Code 1940, T. 60, §40.)