(a) When the Governor declares a state of emergency as authorized in Section 31-9-8, if the emergency is related to homeland security, the director shall have and may exercise the following additional powers, under the direction and control of the Governor:
(1) Enforce all laws, rules, and regulations relating to homeland security and direct state resource allocations when required; provided, this chapter shall not vest authority to enforce the criminal laws of this state in the Director of Homeland Security, or the deputies or personnel of the department.
(2) Sell, lend, lease, give, transfer, or deliver materials or perform services for homeland security purposes on such terms and conditions as the Governor shall prescribe and without regard to the limitations of any existing law, and account to the State Treasurer for any funds received for such property.
(3) Perform and exercise such other functions, powers, and duties as are necessary to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population and achieve the purposes of this chapter.
(4) Assist the Department of Agriculture and Industries and the Department of Public Health to employ such measures as the quarantine of persons, animals, plants, fruits, or food products, as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of securing compliance with this chapter.
(5) In coordination with the Department of Transportation and Department of Public Safety, with due consideration to the recommendations of local authorities, formulate and execute plans and regulations for the control of traffic in order to provide for the rapid and safe movement over public highways and streets of people, troops, or vehicles, and materials for national defense or for use in any defense industry, and coordinate the activities of the departments or agencies of the state and of the political subdivisions of the state concerned directly or indirectly with public highways and streets, in a manner that will best effectuate such plans.
(b) During the pendency of the emergency and the subsequent recovery period, state employees called upon to respond to the emergency, upon the approval of the director, may claim state per diem, subsection (a) of Section 36-7-20, notwithstanding.
(Act 2003-276, p. 658, §9.)