- Section 32-5A-1 Short title.
- Section 32-5A-2 Provisions of chapter refer to vehicles upon highways; exceptions.
- Section 32-5A-3 Required obedience to traffic laws.
- Section 32-5A-4 Obedience to police officers and firemen.
- Section 32-5A-5 Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-6 Persons working on highways; exceptions.
- Section 32-5A-8 Violations as misdemeanor; penalties.
- Section 32-5A-7 Authorized emergency vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-9 Penalty for felony.
- Section 32-5A-10 Disposition of fines and forfeitures.
- Section 32-5A-11 Uniformity of interpretation.
- Section 32-5A-12 Chapter not retroactive.
- Section 32-5A-13 Provisions cumulative; laws not repealed.
- Section 32-5A-30 Uniform marking of highways and erection of traffic-control devices.
- Section 32-5A-31 Obedience to traffic-control devices; devices presumed to comply with requirements.
- Section 32-5A-32 Traffic-control signal legend.
- Section 32-5A-33 Pedestrian-control signals.
- Section 32-5A-34 Flashing signals.
- Section 32-5A-35 Lane-direction-control signals.
- Section 32-5A-36 Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings as public nuisance; signs, markings, etc., to be approved; procedure for approval.
- Section 32-5A-37 Interference with official traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals.
- Section 32-5A-50 Unattended motor vehicle.
- Section 32-5A-51 Limitations on backing.
- Section 32-5A-52 Driving upon sidewalk.
- Section 32-5A-53 Obstruction to driver's view or driving mechanism.
- Section 32-5A-54 Opening and closing vehicle doors.
- Section 32-5A-55 Riding in house trailers.
- Section 32-5A-56 Driving on mountain highways.
- Section 32-5A-57 Coasting prohibited.
- Section 32-5A-58 Following emergency vehicle prohibited.
- Section 32-5A-58.1 Yielding right-of-way to stationary authorized emergency vehicle.
- Section 32-5A-58.2 Moving over or reducing speed when approaching law enforcement or emergency vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-59 Crossing fire hose.
- Section 32-5A-60 Putting glass, etc., on highway, road, street or public right-of-way prohibited; removal; throwing of litter onto highway, etc., prohibited; penalty.
- Section 32-5A-61 Driver not to proceed where traffic obstructed.
- Section 32-5A-62 Snowmobile operation limited.
- Section 32-5A-80 Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions.
- Section 32-5A-81 Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.
- Section 32-5A-82 Overtaking vehicle on left.
- Section 32-5A-83 When passing on right permitted.
- Section 32-5A-84 Limitations on overtaking on left.
- Section 32-5A-85 Further limitations on driving on left of center of roadway.
- Section 32-5A-86 No-passing zones.
- Section 32-5A-87 One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands.
- Section 32-5A-88 Driving on roadways laned for traffic.
- Section 32-5A-89 Following too closely.
- Section 32-5A-90 Driving on divided highways.
- Section 32-5A-91 Access onto controlled roadways restricted.
- Section 32-5A-92 Restrictions on use of controlled-access roadway.
- Section 32-5A-93 Law enforcement officers authorized to operate motorized bicycle, mopeds, etc., on streets, highways, and sidewalks.
- Section 32-5A-110 Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.
- Section 32-5A-111 Vehicle turning left.
- Section 32-5A-112 Vehicle entering stop or yield intersection; collision as prima facie evidence of failure to yield.
- Section 32-5A-113 Authority to designate through highways and stop and yield intersections.
- Section 32-5A-114 Vehicles entering highway from private road or roadway.
- Section 32-5A-115 Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles; signals on emergency vehicles; duty of emergency vehicle driver.
- Section 32-5A-116 Highway construction and maintenance.
- Section 32-5A-130 Required position and method of turning at intersections.
- Section 32-5A-131 Turning on curve or crest of grade prohibited.
- Section 32-5A-132 Starting parked vehicle.
- Section 32-5A-133 Turning movements and required signals.
- Section 32-5A-134 Signals by hand and arm or signal lamps.
- Section 32-5A-135 Method of giving hand and arm signals.
- Section 32-5A-136 Stopping, standing, or parking outside of business or residence districts.
- Section 32-5A-137 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
- Section 32-5A-138 Additional parking regulations.
- Section 32-5A-139 Officers authorized to remove vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-150 Obedience to signal indicating approach of train.
- Section 32-5A-151 Certain vehicles must stop at all railroad grade crossings; exceptions.
- Section 32-5A-152 Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings.
- Section 32-5A-153 Emerging from alley, driveway or building.
- Section 32-5A-154 Overtaking and passing school bus or church bus; penalties and fines.
- Section 32-5A-155 Visual signals on school and church buses.
- Section 32-5A-170 Reasonable and prudent speed.
- Section 32-5A-171 Maximum limits.
- Section 32-5A-172 Establishment of state speed zones.
- Section 32-5A-173 When local authorities may and shall alter maximum limits.
- Section 32-5A-174 Minimum speed regulation.
- Section 32-5A-175 Special speed limitation on motor-driven cycles.
- Section 32-5A-176 Special speed limitation over bridge or elevated structure; conclusive evidence of speed.
- Section 32-5A-176.1 Speed limits in construction zones.
- Section 32-5A-177 Charging violations; burden of proof in civil actions; arrest for violation of speed laws communicated from officer operating measuring device to another officer; testimony derived f
- Section 32-5A-178 Racing on highways; penalties.
- Section 32-5A-190 Reckless driving.
- Section 32-5A-191 Driving while under influence of alcohol, controlled substances, etc.
- Section 32-5A-191.1 (Repealed effective October 1, 1997) Additional fines on persons convicted of offenses involving driving under the influence.
- Section 32-5A-191.2 Administration and disposition of moneys in Impaired Drivers Trust Fund.
- Section 32-5A-191.3 Operation of vessel and other marine devices while under influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
- Section 32-5A-192 Homicide by vehicle or vessel.
- Section 32-5A-193 Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer.
- Section 32-5A-194 Chemical tests; admissible as evidence; procedure for valid chemical analyses; permits for individuals performing analyses; persons qualified to withdraw blood; presumptions based on
- Section 32-5A-194.1 Effect of certification permits issued by State Board of Health; effect of rules and regulations enacted by State Board of Health.
- Section 32-5A-195 Cancellation, suspension, or revocation of driver's license; grounds, procedure, etc.
- Section 32-5A-200 Short title.
- Section 32-5A-201 Legislative findings.
- Section 32-5A-202 Definitions.
- Section 32-5A-203 Seizure and forfeiture of vehicle driven by person driving while license suspended or revoked.
- Section 32-5A-204 Court to inform defendant convicted of violating §32-5A-191 that vehicle subject to forfeiture if driven on highway.
- Section 32-5A-205 Enactment of ordinance which provides for administrative sanctions involving impoundment of vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-210 Pedestrian obedience to traffic-control devices and traffic regulations.
- Section 32-5A-211 Pedestrians' right-of-way in crosswalks.
- Section 32-5A-212 Crossing at other than crosswalks.
- Section 32-5A-213 Drivers to exercise care.
- Section 32-5A-214 Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks.
- Section 32-5A-215 Pedestrians on roadways.
- Section 32-5A-216 Pedestrian soliciting rides or business or fishing.
- Section 32-5A-217 Driving through safety zone prohibited.
- Section 32-5A-218 Pedestrians' right-of-way on sidewalks.
- Section 32-5A-219 Pedestrians to yield to authorized emergency vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-220 Right-of-way to blind persons, guide dogs in training.
- Section 32-5A-221 Pedestrians under influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Section 32-5A-222 Bridge and railroad signals.
- Section 32-5A-240 Traffic laws apply to persons operating motorcycles.
- Section 32-5A-241 Riding on motorcycles.
- Section 32-5A-242 Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic.
- Section 32-5A-243 Clinging to other vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-244 Footrests and handlebars.
- Section 32-5A-245 Headgear and shoes required for motorcycle riders; approval of headgear; responsibility for juvenile riders; sale of helmets.
- Section 32-5A-260 Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles.
- Section 32-5A-261 Riding on bicycles.
- Section 32-5A-262 Clinging to vehicles.
- Section 32-5A-263 Riding on roadways and bicycle paths.
- Section 32-5A-264 Carrying articles.
- Section 32-5A-265 Lamps and other equipment on bicycles.
- Section 32-5A-266 Violations of article as misdemeanor; responsibility of parent or guardian; applicability of article.
- Section 32-5A-280 Short title.
- Section 32-5A-281 Definitions.
- Section 32-5A-282 Purpose.
- Section 32-5A-283 Unlawful for person to use bicycle under certain conditions.
- Section 32-5A-284 Duties of person regularly engaged in business of renting bicyles.
- Section 32-5A-285 Statewide bicycle safety education program; manner violations handled.
- Section 32-5A-286 Establishment of more comprehensive bicycle safety program by ordinance.
- Section 32-5A-300 Determinations requiring suspension of driving privileges by director; basis for, and finality of, determination; relationship to disposition of criminal charges.
- Section 32-5A-301 Report of arresting officer.
- Section 32-5A-302 Determination by director; notice.
- Section 32-5A-303 Notice of intended suspension.
- Section 32-5A-304 Period of suspension; relation to Section 32-5A-191.
- Section 32-5A-305 Minimum periods of suspension; reinstatement.
- Section 32-5A-306 Administrative review.
- Section 32-5A-307 Administrative hearing.
- Section 32-5A-308 Judicial review.
- Section 32-5A-309 Applicability of article.
- Section 32-5A-330 Definitions; applicability; violations.
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